Cloud Solution Services

Based on the current circumstances and changes, it became clear to everyone the importance of cloud solutions and the importance of technology in remote communication, whether it is meetings, education, or other daily activities. Which requires a secure cloud solutions infrastructure.

So, at key World Technology we understand the requirements of our customers, meet their needs, and provide them with appropriate solutions that are commensurate with the nature of their business to obtain cloud solutions that meet business needs in a secure manner and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) using these cloud solutions. Based on our experience in this field, and in addition to our partnership agreements with the best providers of cloud solutions in this field in the world, we can design, configure and implement cloud services and solutions. We also offer customized cloud applications commensurate with the nature of our clients ’business while enhancing their operations in an effective and secure way. Most of our current clients handle their business operations remotely, and they save computer power, operating systems, and even diagnose and monitor failure points in a secure and reliable environment. The teamwork can communicate and collaborate together anytime and from anywhere. This service model is suitable for customers who have mobile users or working remotely and who work continuously from outside their institutions, or who have more than one branch or sites for the company, and also

for those who have limited IT resources, or a limited IT services management team, whether, in number or technical expertise, It is also suitable for those who need to save infrastructure investment and the investment of internal data center as well. We recognize the importance of cloud services and how important they are to the new business environment today and in accordance with current life changes, especially when it comes to disaster recovery, availability, reliability, stability, and secure access to and store data and information. We help our customers to take advantage of the full potential of cloud solutions and train them to achieve the maximum benefit of these solutions, which helps them achieve operational excellence, ease of movement and efficiency in smooth ways. Therefore, we provide our solutions through the following:

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